Learn more of the frequently asked questions about Valerian Root and empower yourself with all of the knowledge of Valerian Root products before trying Pluto Plasma

We frequently hear these questions

Is it OK to take Valerian Root everyday?

Is Valerian Root Safe? Many studies have found valerian root to be a safe natural sleep aid. Researchers have found taking valerian root regularly for up to 28 days doesn't cause problems for most adults. People taking sedatives or other anti-anxiety or sleep medications should avoid valerian root.

What does Valerian Root do to the Brain?

Scientists aren't sure how valerian works, but they believe itincreases the amount of a chemical called gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. GABA helps regulate nerve cells and has a calming effect on anxiety.

What are the Benefits of Valerian Root?

Valerian has been used medicinally since the times of early Greece and Rome. Historically, valerian was used to treat insomnia, migraine, fatigue, and stomach cramps. Today, valerian is promoted forinsomnia, anxiety, depression, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menopause symptoms, and headaches.

Who should not take Valerian Root?

Valerian may not be safe if you're pregnant or breast-feeding. And it has not been evaluated to determine if it's safe for children under 3 years old. If you have liver disease, avoid taking valerian. And because valerian can make you drowsy, avoid driving or operating dangerous machinery after taking it.